Birthday’s by Age

Anniversary Cards

Birthday Cards for Him

Birthday Cards for Her

Birthday Cards for Dad

Valentines’s Day Cards

Birthday Cards

Greeting Cards

Shot Glasses

Best Selling Greeting Cards

Do Something David’s best selling greeting cards, coasters & mugs based on last months purchases


Fridge Magnets

Greeting Cards
Offensive Cards

New Greeting Card Designs

Our newest greeting cards to join the Do Something David family

Funny Greeting Cards

At Do Something David we believe life is full of laughter and can make people smile even when going through their hardest times. We have greeting cards for all the big moments such as birthdays, anniversaries, new homes, and new jobs. We also have greeting cards for plenty of occasions, the good times, and the bad times. Whatever the occasion or celebration, we’re sure to have the perfect greeting card for you friend or loved one, and we’re always adding new designs.

Free Next Day Delivery

We offer free first class delivery on all our products. If you would like your order to be tracked or to arrive at a certain day or time, we have further options that you can choose from when checking out. All orders are despatched on the same day if ordered before 4pm, or the next business working day if ordered after 4pm.